Making a Global Impact for the Kingdom

Lifetree Global Foundation (LGF) and our Partners have a common goal to create a vehicle and/or mechanism that allows for the perpetual Funding, Donations, Gifts, Resources, Grants, Investments and Interest Free Loans to be allocated and deployed through faith based organizations for the Advancement of the Kingdom, Promotion of the Gospel, Construction of Infrastructure and critical Facilities, Humanitarian Aid, Anti-Human Trafficking, Ongoing Evangelism & Outreach, Education, Discipleship, and Training across the globe! By supporting Lifetree Global’ s initiatives, you contribute to a global effort to bring positive change and create a lasting impact on communities in need. Join us in our mission to provide life-changing gifts, projects and programs to those who need it most all around the world.

Impact in Action – How We are Facilitating an Eternal Shift


We are working with our partners to rescue women and children in dozens of countries around the world and we are committed to eradicating human trafficking and modern-day slavery through the transformative power of the Gospel. Offering not only freedom, but love, housing, medical care, education, job skill training, and biblical counseling to help restore their lives and lay a foundation of hope for a brighter future.

Book & Curriculum
Development & Translation

Through our relationships with influential and trusted media partners around the globe, LifeTree Global continues to help translate books, curriculum, teaching and educational tools into multiple languages, dialects and formats to be easily distributed to emerging nations and historically disadvantaged people groups


A successful children’s home is more than just a place to house orphaned children, it is a shelter of refuge and a place of hope, it lays the strong foundation necessary for a successful life, relationships, business or ministry. It is both an anchor and a launching pad which allows young people to develop a solid relationship and understanding of their Heavenly Father and the ability and courage to dream God size dreams!

Aid & Disaster

From flooded villages and earthquake leveled cities, to draught and famine-stricken regions and countries that have been devastated by war, LGF makes an impact. Our network of disaster relief and emergency aid partners have the boots on the ground to not only meet the physical needs of those in these dire situations, but to also offer the spiritual care, emotional support, and eternal answers to help them realize there is hope, a new day is dawning

Domestic Outreach,
Training & Conferences

 Impacting leaders, organizations and communities throughout the United States of America through special events, projects, speaking engagements, education, training and outreach activities that share Christ, love people and ultimately lasting provide hope & change.

International Training
& Conferences

Just in 2023 alone Lifetree Global Founders and speakers Johnathan & Kara Sparks have reached thousands of people in over a dozen different countries through workshops seminars conferences and one-on-one mentoring and discipleship. Our vision is to see underserved communities and individuals empowered, equipped and transformed, making a significant impact in their own families, businesses, ministries and communities.

Bible Schools &
Theological Education

LGF invest in online accessible technology and purpose built physical facilities to offer courses and resources for theological education in multiple languages, making it easier for individuals around the world to deepen their understanding of the Gospel, and share Jesus!

& Dental

Life tree global has helped build medical hospitals and dental clinics in some of the most unreached regions, not only helping to provide critical medical care, but the life changing Good News of the Gospel.

& Technology

Technology accelerates the global spread of the Gospel by leveraging digital media, multilingual websites, social media outreach, translation tools, and Online platforms. New mobile apps facilitate access to sermons and teachings in diverse languages. Automated translation services break down language barriers, while Social media connects global communities, and online learning platforms offer theological education. Collaboration tools strengthen partnerships, and mobile messaging provides personalized outreach. By harnessing these technological tools, the Gospel can reach people of varied cultures rapidly, fostering a worldwide community of believers through Online distance delivery… not constrained by borders or budgets


Access to clean water is a fundamental human need, yet millions of people around the world lack this basic necessity. Lifetree Global recognizes the profound impact that access to clean water can have on communities. By supporting the construction of water wells, we empower communities by providing a local and sustainable source of clean water, autonomy fosters self-sufficiency and resilience, resulting in an enhanced quality of Life and offer a blessing that lasts a lifetime!


The emphasis is on creating a system or model that ensures continuous and ongoing support for the organization and their efforts at a local, regional or national level. This implies a sustained effort to provide the necessary resources for the outlined purposes without the continual need to raise or solicit funds from other countries, partners or organization.

Deployment through
Faith-Based Organizations

The chosen method for implementing this support is through faith-based organizations. These organizations become the channels through which the allocated resources are utilized.


AKA… Gods special forces, these boots on the ground team are critical to the long-term success and Kingdom Objective of LGF. They provide real time feedback while serving the communities we are trying to help with Love, Training, and encouragement of the target audience or group.



Lifetree Global was founded by Johnathan & Kara Sparks in 2023 in an effort to partner with like-minded believers in making a significant kingdom impact by being more strategic with donations, grants and investments to nonprofit organizations and ministries. Our organization and Board of Directors have a long and rich history of generously supporting people and organizations who have a heart for Kingdom advancement initiatives on a mutli generational scale. Our goal with our partners is to envision a sustainable mechanism that channels various forms of support through faith-based organizations to address a broad range of needs and contribute to the advancement of their shared goals globally. LGF was birthed out of prayer for a new, more efficient and impactful method of delivering resources and sustaining local ministries long term who are already great stewards of the kingdom, while also helping launch new non-profits and organizations that can make an accelerated significant difference in their channels of expertise. The specific assistance, detailed implementation and operational aspects of our projects and investments varies greatly and depends on the specific strategies, structures, collaborations, and objectives established by LGF and its partners for each project.

 Matthew 28: 19-20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age, Amen.”

Organizations We Support &
Partner With

How does Lifetree Global select our Partner Organizations? Simple, we only partner with people, organization, nonprofits, and ministries of extraordinary biblical character, unparalleled work ethic, dynamic kingdom vision, and demonstratable faithful stewardship! Together in unity we continue to build a stronger global network of support and resources for Kingdom Advancement.


Romans 12:4-5 For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.


Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! … And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.


Proverbs 27:17 “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.”

Materials & Resources

We have assembled some materials and resources we hope are helpful, as well as some links to our partner Organizations if you would like to learn more about their kingdom impact or donate to them directly!


We are grateful for your partnership and support that will undoubtedly contribute to an even greater harvest and significant impact in the future. Together, we can make a lasting difference and further the work of the Kingdom for generations to come, with His faithfulness multiplying our work and making a ripple in eternity that never ends!

Galatians 6:8-10 “but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. Let us not grow weary or become discouraged in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap, if we do not give in. So then, while we [as individual believers] have the opportunity, let us do good to all people [not only being helpful, but also doing that which promotes their spiritual well-being], and especially [be a blessing] to those of the household of faith (born-again believers).

Contact us at :


20157 Fiddlers Green Rd. Frisco, Texas 75036

LifeTree Global Foundation has been granted 501(c)3 nonprofit organization status with the IRS.  Federal Tax ID# 92-1086827”

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